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OTB4 Jill: GLA

This module is of particular interest to me. As an artist who has used the services of Georgia Lawyers for the Arts, I can attest to the very real and valuable services they provide. Much of what I know about intellectual property law I come by honestly as an artist who found myself in a situation where I needed to protect my IP interests, so GLA was one of the first-stop resources for how I have come by this knowledge and much of the advice I received there, in addition to the pro bono representation they provided, has been invaluable to me in nearly all aspects of my professional and academic life.

Jill's product is very good. A clean and efficient design with a balanced look and feel. I am very glad when I see good use of monochrome design and Jill has done that nicely here. Excellent menu design for this extensive list of content is also well done. The user can easily navigate through this course.

A few comments:

On module 2 there are some balance issues with the text and elements. Placement and alignment issues like this can be a little distracting so I would double check some of these slides and see if there are places where some things could be lined up a little.

Also, leave some air between parts, particularly between text and images. There are a few slides where the text butts up against a graphic, so resizing those text boxes can help with that.

On text, I would decide on some text styles and keep them consistent throughout the product (ex. body text is all 12pt Arial, headings are all 14 pt. Arial Black, subheadings are all 12pt Arial bold italic, etc.) This kind of consistency really pops for the audience subconsciously and always gives the product a more polished look and feel. This product is good, so that bit of spit shine is warranted here.

Overall a really good project. I enjoyed reviewing it and wish much success to Jill and GLA in the very good work they do.

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